Divorce can be a difficult process, no matter which state you reside in. In Washington, there are two types of divorce: contested and uncontested. Which one is right for you? Here is a look at the differences between contested and uncontested divorces in Washington.
When a couple decides to get divorced, there are two main ways this can happen: contested and uncontested. In a contested divorce, the couple cannot agree on the terms of the divorce and will need to go to court in order to have a judge decide what happens. In an uncontested divorce, the couple agrees on all the terms of the divorce outside of court. No matter which one you choose, it would be written whether your divorce was contested or uncontested in the washington state divorce record.
Let us understand more about the differences between a contested and uncontested divorce.
What is a Contested Divorce?
A contested divorce is a divorce in which the parties cannot agree on the terms of the divorce. The parties must go to court and have a judge decide the terms of the divorce. There are several drawbacks to a contested divorce. First, the process can be expensive. The parties must hire attorneys and pay court fees. Second, the process can be time-consuming. The parties must attend hearings and submit documents to the court. Third, the process can be stressful.
What is an Uncontested Divorce?
An uncontested divorce is a divorce that is resolved without going to court. This type of divorce is typically less expensive and can be completed more quickly than a contested divorce. In an uncontested divorce, the spouses typically reach an agreement on all of the important issues, such as property division and child custody. If the spouses are unable to agree on all issues, they may still be able to obtain an uncontested divorce if they can agree on the most important issues.
Is Contested Divorce Difficult to Proceed?
Contested divorces are those in which the spouses cannot agree on key issues, such as child custody, property division, and alimony. In a contested divorce, each spouse typically hires a lawyer to advocate for their position. This can lead to lengthy and costly litigation. Many people believe that contested divorces are difficult to proceed with, but there is no definitive answer. Some people find that the adversarial process helps them get what they want, while others find it too stressful and painful.