An electric control valve is an automatic valve that regulates the flow of liquids and gases by closing, opening fully or partially.
Electric control valves use an electric motor that converts electricity in a linear or rotary motion to operate a valve. They’re common in a wide range of industries, equipment and applications.
Power Source
An van bi điều khiển điện is an electronic device that controls the flow of fluids, liquids or semi-liquids. It can be used in a variety of different applications and industries.
The power source for an electric control valve actuator depends on the type of system it is used in and the corresponding requirements. This includes voltage, torque, and fail-safe options.
Pneumatic actuators rely on compressed air or gas as the primary power source. These devices are available in double-acting and spring return configurations.
Typically, pneumatic actuators operate in a double-acting configuration until power is lost or air pressure is cut off, then the springs automatically engage to return the valve to its normal position.
Some actuators also include fail-safe systems that close the valve if there is no power or air supply. These systems use a spring or battery to store energy and shut the valve when the power is cut off.
The torque of an electric control valve is a key feature to consider when sizing the actuator. Torque is the rotational equivalent of linear force required to open or close a valve.
The valve’s torque demand is determined by a number of factors including the type of valve, differential pressure across the valve, and the size and design of the valve. It is also important to account for the stem packing friction and media temperature of the valve.
For quarter-turn valves, which require a 90deg turn to fully open and close, the torque demand is greater than for other valve types. Therefore, sizing for quarter-turn valves requires physical measurement of the valve under different differential pressure conditions.
Safety components are often specified on process van an toàn actuators, including spring returns (fail-safe). When a power or signal failure occurs, the spring-return will drive the valve to a pre-determined safe position.
Electric control valves are used to regulate the flow of electricity. They can be used in a variety of applications, including temperature control and motor speed control.
A valve position indicator is a device that displays the open or closed status of a valve. They are available in a variety of styles, including two-way and three-way devices.
There are also a number of different switching options for position indicators, such as mechanical switches and proximity (non-contact) switches. The former are activated by internal cams on the output drive shaft while the latter are activated by sensors that detect the position of the valve.
Many actuators include fail-safe functions to prevent damage in the event that power or a control signal is interrupted. They can also be designed to operate in a’spring reserve’ position whereby the spring pressure keeps the valve in the defined safe position when power is lost.
Electric control valves are used for controlling the flow of liquid or gas through a process line and there are giải pháp giám sát điện năng. They can be pneumatic, hydraulic or smart digital in design.
The first step in the installation of an electric control valve is to determine how the valve will be controlled. This may be with discreet open/close signals from a PLC or other system, or it can be via a remote control unit that sends a signal to the actuator from outside of the facility.
The second step in the installation of an electric control valve involves preparing the valve for operation. This includes ensuring the right type of fittings are installed, preventing unnecessary stresses and vibrations in the piping. It also involves ensuring the proper bolting is done on the valve to create a tight seal.