This is another key part to making reputation management work. Your community manager can be you or it can be somebody in your organization. Your community manager should be a real-time social media customer service person. This is the person who will be monitoring conversations and when something positive or negative is said about your company, this community manager should be able to see it and react quickly. As I’ve mentioned before, we are becoming a content-on-demand society and customers are beginning to expect companies to respond when they make comments about their experiences.
Social media environment
They also expect your response even if they don’t make a comment directly on your Facebook wall, but they mention you on Twitter or in some other social media environment. For example, last fall my wife and I went on a trip to the British Virgin Isles to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. On the way to our destination, the major airline we chose lost a piece of luggage and it took two days for us to get it back. Then, on our return trip we had to change planes in Miami.
Our plane sat on the tarmac for 45 minutes as we squirmed in our seats, worried about the possibility of missing our connecting flight. We finally were able to exit the plane 10 minutes before our next flight was scheduled to leave for Dallas. When we got to the gate, we could see our plane sitting next to the gate, but the entrance to the walkway was locked down and the staff rudely told us that our flight, the last flight to Dallas that day, was closed—we had missed the “final boarding call.